Brady Moore: first to graduate with a DH certificate


Brady Moore finished his time at UGA with a BA in History and the first ever Certificate in Digital Humanities. Though History is already a rigorous discipline Brady chose to take on the additional certificate because he sees “DH as an upcoming discipline that will intertwine the fields of  humanities and programming. I want to be apart of the synthesis and see what becomes of it.”

As part of his course work he took several History classes with a DH project in addition to classes outside his discipline like Visual Anthropology with Professor Velazquez Runk and DIGI 2000, Intro to GIS for humanists, a core DH class taught by GIS Librarian Meagan Duever. According to Brady these interdisciplinary courses in the certificate taught him a broader perspective on his course of study that included “the skills and knowledge to use DH for historical research and better teaching methods through visualization tools.” For him the DH certificate was a worthwhile endeavor that he recommends for any student in the Humanities and Arts. “I believe DH is the future and learning these interdisciplinary skills will give students a great advantage,” explains Brady.

Congratulations to Brady and the entire class of 2018!



For more information about the certificate  visit or stop by the DigiLab.